Retrieve Shipment

Use this endpoint to retrieve a previously booked shipment.

REST Endpoint

GET /restapi/v1/customers/:customerId/shipments/:bookNumber

Response Status Code

200 OK

Response Content Type


Request Example

GET /restapi/v1/customers/TEST00002/shipments/2317948

Response JSON Example

  "bookNumber": "2317948",
  "trackingNumber": "1ZA3R6625221693812",
  "trackingNumbers": ["1ZA3R6625221693812"],
  "voided": false,
  "carrierCode": "ups",
  "serviceCode": "ups_ground",
  "packageTypeCode": "ups_custom_package",
  "shipmentDate": "2015-04-21",
  "shipmentReference": "abc123",
  "contentDescription": "",
  "sender": {
    "name": "Albert Jones",
    "company": "Jones Co.",
    "address1": "123 Some Street",
    "address2": "#54",
    "city": "Holladay",
    "state": "UT",
    "zip": "84117",
    "country": "US"
  "receiver": {
    "name": "Alice Jensen",
    "company": "",
    "address1": "54 Green St.",
    "address2": "",
    "city": "Salt Lake City",
    "state": "UT",
    "zip": "84106",
    "country": "US"
  "residential": true,
  "signatureOptionCode": "direct",
  "weightUnit": "lb",
  "dimUnit": "in",
  "currency": "USD",
  "customsCurrency": "USD",
  "pieces": [
      "weight": "1.4",
      "length": "5.1",
      "width": "4",
      "height": "2.5",
      "insuranceAmount": "12.15",
      "declaredValue": null
  "fulfillment": null,
  "totalShippingCost": 8.75

Explanation of Response Fields

Field Type Description
bookNumber string Unique ID for this shipment
trackingNumber string Carrier specific tracking number for this shipment
trackingNumbers array of string All tracking numbers (for multi-piece shipments)
voided boolean True if this shipment has been voided
carrierCode string The carrier code
serviceCode string The service code
packageTypeCode string The package type code
shipmentDate date The date of the shipment
shipperReference string Custom reference field provided from the original order
shipperReference2 string Another custom reference field provided from the original order
contentDescription string Human readable description of content string Name of sender string Company name of sender
sender.address1 string Sender street address line 1
sender.address2 string Sender street address line 2 string Sender city
sender.state string Sender state/province (must be two-character code for US and CA) string Sender zip or postal code string ISO two-character country code string Name of receiver string Company name of receiver
receiver.address1 string Receiver street address line 1
receiver.address2 string Receiver street address line 2 string Receiver city
receiver.state string Receiver state/province (must be two-character code for US and CA) string Receiver zip or postal code string ISO two-character country code
residential boolean Set to true of the receiver address is residential
signatureOptionCode string or null Signature option code for shipment. Null for no signature
weightUnit string Either "lb" for pounds or "kg" for kilograms
dimUnit string or null Either "in" for inches or "cm" for centimeters or null if packageType has preset dimensions
currency string The currency of the provided insuranceAmount, declaredValue, and customsValue (if customsCurrency is not present) fields. Must be "USD" for shippers in the US
customsCurrency string If present, is the currency of the provided customsValue. (USD, GBP, CAD, EUR)
pieces[n].weight string Numeric weight as a JSON string
pieces[n].length string or null Numeric length as a JSON string (set to null if packageType has preset dimensions)
pieces[n].width string or null Numeric width as a JSON string (set to null if packageType has preset dimensions)
pieces[n].height string or null Numeric height as a JSON string (set to null if packageType has preset dimensions)
pieces[n].insuranceAmount decimal or null The value of the piece to be covered by insurance. Must be null for no insurance
pieces[n].declaredValue decimal or null The declared value of the piece for international shipments. Must be null for domestic shipments
fulfillment.orderId string ID of order that this shipment is associated with
fulfillment.integrationId string ID of webship integration associated with order
fulfillment.items[n].productId string ID of fulfilled product
fulfillment.items[n].sku string Sku of fulfilled product
fulfillment.items[n].lineId string ID of fulfilled line item
fulfillment.items[n].quantity integer Quantity of items fulfilled
fulfillment.items[n].unitPrice string Unit price of items fulfilled
totalShippingCost decimal Total end-cost of the shipment