Put Order

Use this endpoint to create or update an order that can be shipped from webship.

Before you can use the Put Order endpoint, you must create a Rest API Integration in your eCommerce Webship account.

Steps to Configure the Rest API Integration

  1. Go to eCommerce Webship and select the gear icon to access the settings screen
    • Gear Icon
  2. Click eCommerce Integrations
    • Settings Menu Item
  3. At this page you can view and modify previous integrations. Since we are adding a new one, select Add eCommerce Integration
    • Add Ecommerce Button
  4. Click Rest API
    • Rest API Integration Button
  5. In order to generate an integration ID for your Rest API integration, click the "Save New Integration" button
    • Save New Button
  6. After the integration has been saved, you can copy the integration ID for use with the API
    • Integration ID

REST Endpoint

PUT /restapi/v1/customers/:customerId/integrations/:integrationId/orders/:orderId

Request Content Type


Request JSON Example

PUT /restapi/v1/customers/TEST00002/integrations/3214/orders/123456
  "orderId": "123ABC",
  "orderDate": "2016-04-24",
  "orderNumber": "abc123",
  "fulfillmentStatus": "pending",
  "shippingService": "Standard",
  "shippingTotal": "8.24",
  "weightUnit": "lb",
  "dimUnit": "in",
  "dueByDate": "2016-04-26",
  "orderGroup": "Workstation 1",
  "contentDescription": "Stuff and things",
  "sender": {
    "name": "Albert Jones",
    "company": "Jones Co.",
    "address1": "123 Some Street",
    "address2": "#54",
    "city": "Holladay",
    "state": "UT",
    "zip": "84117",
    "country": "US",
    "phone": "8015042351",
    "email": "albert@jones.egg"
  "returnTo": {
    "name": "Steve Smith",
    "company": "Smith Co.",
    "address1": "123 A street",
    "address2": "Apt 7",
    "city": "American Fork",
    "state": "UT",
    "zip": "84115",
    "country": "US",
    "phone": "8015555555",
    "email": "steve@smith.egg"
  "receiver": {
    "name": "Alice Janson",
    "company": "",
    "address1": "54 Green St.",
    "address2": "",
    "city": "Salt Lake City",
    "state": "UT",
    "zip": "84106",
    "country": "US",
    "phone": "8013920046",
    "email": "alice@jensen.egg"
  "items": [
      "productId": "856673",
      "sku": "ade3-fe21-bb9a",
      "title": "Socks",
      "price": "3.99",
      "quantity": 2,
      "weight": "0.5",
      "imgUrl": "http://sockstore.egg/img/856673",
      "htsNumber": "555555",
      "countryOfOrigin": "US",
      "lineId": "1",
      "pickLocation": "100-03S"
  "packages": [
      "weight": "0.5",
      "length": "6",
      "width": "5",
      "height": "2.5",
      "insuranceAmount": null,
      "declaredValue": null

Explanation of Request Fields

Field Type Required Description
orderId string true Unique ID of this order (must match order ID in URL)
orderDate date true Date order was placed
orderNumber string or null true Invoice number of order
fulfillmentStatus string true One of "pending", "fulfilled", or "partial"
shippingService string or null true Name of shipping service associated with order (e.g. "Standard" or "Expedited")
shipperReference string or null false Text that will show up on shipping label in the reference field. If nothing is specified, order number will be used. If no order number exists, order id will be used
shipperReference2 string or null false An additional reference field. When possible it will be added to the label, though not all carriers support this field.
contentDescription string false Content description of the shipment
shippingTotal decimal or null true Amount that customer paid for shipping
weightUnit string or null true Either "lb" for pounds or "kg" for kilograms
dimUnit string or null true Either "in" for inches or "cm" for centimeters
dueByDate date or null true Date by which the order must be fulfilled
orderGroup string or null true May be set to allow multiple users to ship at the same time without overlapping
sender.name string true Name of sender
sender.company string false Company name of sender
sender.address1 string true Sender street address line 1
sender.address2 string false Sender street address line 2
sender.city string true Sender city
sender.state string true Sender state/province (must be two-character code for US and CA)
sender.zip string true Sender zip or postal code
sender.country string true ISO two-character country code
sender.phone string false 10-digit phone number
sender.email string false email address
returnTo.name string false Name of return to address
returnTo.company string false Company name of return to address
returnTo.address1 string false Return to address line 1
returnTo.address2 string false Return to address line 2
returnTo.city string false Return to city
returnTo.state string false Return to state/province (must be two-character code for US and CA)
returnTo.zip string false Return to zip or postal code
returnTo.country string false ISO two-character country code
returnTo.phone string false 10-digit phone number
returnTo.email string false return to email address
receiver.name string true Name of receiver
receiver.company string false Company name of receiver - Not required but recommended to ensure delivery
receiver.address1 string true Receiver street address line 1
receiver.address2 string false Receiver street address line 2
receiver.city string true Receiver city
receiver.state string true Receiver state/province (must be two-character code for US and CA)
receiver.zip string true Receiver zip or postal code
receiver.country string true ISO two-character country code
receiver.phone string false 10-digit phone number
receiver.email string false email address
items array or null true Can be provided if the order has item information
items[n].productId string false ID of product
items[n].sku string or null false Sku of product
items[n].title string false Title of product
items[n].price decimal false Per unit price of product
items[n].quantity integer false Quantity of product
items[n].weight decimal or null false Per unit weight of product
items[n].imgUrl string or null false URL of product image
items[n].htsNumber string or null false HTS number of product
items[n].countryOfOrigin string or null false Two-character country code
items[n].lineId string or null false ID of order line item
items[n].pickLocation string or null false The Pick Location of product
packages array or null true Can be provided if shipping dimensions have been precalculated for this order
packages[n].weight string false Numeric weight as a JSON string
packages[n].length string or null false Numeric length as a JSON string (set to null if packageType has preset dimensions)
packages[n].width string or null false Numeric width as a JSON string (set to null if packageType has preset dimensions)
packages[n].height string or null false Numeric height as a JSON string (set to null if packageType has preset dimensions)
packages[n].insuranceAmount decimal or null false The value of the piece to be covered by insurance. Must be null for no insurance
packages[n].declaredValue decimal or null false The declared value of the piece for international shipments. Must be null for domestic shipments

Response Status Code

201 Created

Response Content Type


Response JSON Example

  "ok": true