List Integrated Quoting Options

Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of Integrated Quoting options.

REST Endpoint

GET /restapi/v1/customers/:customerId/integratedQuotingOptions

Response Status Code

200 OK

Response Content Type


Request Example

GET /restapi/v1/customers/TEST00002/integratedQuotingOptions

Response JSON Example

  "integratedQuotingOptions": [
      "name": "Basic Ground Shipping",
      "carrierCode": "ups",
      "serviceCode": "ups_ground",
      "packageTypeCode": "ups_custom_package"
      "name": "International Shipping",
      "carrierCode": "dhl",
      "serviceCode": "dhl_express_worldwide",
      "packageTypeCode": "dhl_custom_package"

Explanation of Response Fields

Field Type Description
name string Name chosen by customer on Integrated Quoting Settings screen
carrierCode string The carrier code
serviceCode string The service code
packageTypeCode string The package type code